Practising The Way Overview

Explore Practising the Way in more detail

Welcome to The Practicing the Way Course! This 8-week journey is designed to deepen your faith and transform your spiritual life. Starting August 25 at 11:30am at Griffin State School, you'll join a small group of people looking to following Jesus more closely.

Session 01: Following Jesus

  • Overview: "Who are you following? Discover what it means to be a disciple of Jesus."
  • Activities: Teaching, discussion, and practice reflections.

Session 02: Formation (Part 01)

  • Overview: "Explore the process of spiritual formation and how we are shaped by our habits and environments."
  • Activities: Teaching, formation audit, and group discussions.

Session 03: Formation (Part 02)

  • Overview: "Delve deeper into the aspects of intentional spiritual formation and the role of the Holy Spirit."
  • Activities: Teaching, daily scripture reading practice, and community reflections.

Session 04: The Practices

  • Overview: "Learn about the spiritual disciplines of Jesus and how they can transform your life."
  • Activities: Teaching, Sabbath practice, and group sharing.

Session 05: Meeting God in Pain and Suffering

  • Overview: "Understand how to meet God in your pain and allow it to transform you."
  • Activities: Teaching, emotional health exercises, and reflective prayer.

Session 06: Healing From Sin

  • Overview: "Discover the path to healing from sin through confession and community."
  • Activities: Teaching, confession practice, and group support.

Session 07: Crafting a Rule of Life

  • Overview: "Create a personal Rule of Life to guide your spiritual journey."
  • Activities: Teaching, Rule of Life crafting, and accountability partnerships.

Session 08: Life Together

  • Overview: "Celebrate the journey and plan for continued growth in community."
  • Activities: Teaching, group celebration, and future planning.