Generosity Challenge

How To Be Generous

Most of us are good at giving - we give spontaneously, sporadically, and sparingly as we see needs or causes that catch our attention. And typically, we give after we’ve taken care of our current interests and saved for our future interests - if there’s anything left to give. So we consume 1st, save 2nd, and then give. But very few of us know what it actually means to be generous.

Generosity is the premeditated, calculated, designated, emancipation of personal financial assets.

-Andy Stanley

More simply - Generosity is ordering your life around giving rather than consuming. Generous people reorient their finances to give 1st, save 2nd, and live on the rest. Generosity requires a plan. It’s pre-deciding where you’ll give, choosing a percentage, and giving it first. And there’s a promise based on Jesus’ words in Acts 20:35 - Happy is the person whose life is ordered around giving rather than receiving.

Generous people give more, save more, and consume less. And ultimately, they’re happier as a result! 

It’s a scary step, though, isn’t it? Even for those who have been faithfully giving for years, committing to become more generous can be daunting. So we want to make this really simple. A trial run.

Welcome to the 90 Day Generosity Challenge.

The Challenge

In a sentence, we want you to take a step to become more generous for 90 days. To help explain why this could become such a game-changer, scroll down to find helpful resources to provide you some context—a biblical backing for generous living as well as a link to resources from our series titled God Just Wants Your Money from our Pastor, Chris Podlich.

We know that this is a huge step of obedience, but you’re not in this alone! So choose a step and give at that level for 90 days. And share your experiences with us throughout the 90 days!

Take The Challenge

Ready to take a step to become more generous? Increase your generosity for 90 days and see how God grows your faith! Simply click the button below to get started.

Want to learn how to be generous?

Financially Stressed?

We know that thinking about being generous can be hard if you feel like your finances are in a mess. We want to help you get back in control of your finances.

When you click the button below you'll be taken to a series by one of our teaching team, Andy Stanley. Throughout this series Andy will help you take some practical steps to get back in control of your finances.

What does the Bible say?

Tithing and offerings are principles that are taught throughout the entire Bible. When we give to the work of the Church, we are putting legs to our faith by actively, habitually placing God first in our lives. It is a Jesus-follower’s way to thank God for His provision, to sustain our trust in Him, even to curtail our own greed. It is also the primary way the Gospel is shared in our community.

The bottom line is that as we grow in our relationship with Jesus, we strive to become increasingly like him. And because Jesus was generous, we want to grow in our generosity as well.

If you’d like to read more about what the Scriptures have to say about generosity, here are a few helpful passages: Psalm 119:33-36, Proverbs 11:24-25, Malachi 3:10, Matthew 6:19-21, Acts 20:32–35, 2 Corinthians 9:6–8, 1 Timothy 6:17–19.